Til sesongen 1941/42Til sesongen 1943/44

Sesongen 1942/43:

A-lagets kamper:
Laget spilte ingen offisielle kamper.

Bury Fen, near Bluntisham, was the home of the Bury Fen Bandy Club? (unbeaten for a century). Under the captaincy of Charles Goodman Tebbutt and his brothers? (grandsons of Potto Brown’s milling partner Joseph Goodman) the Bury Fen Bandy Club was responsible for formulating most of the rules of modern bandy and introducing the game into the Netherlands and other Northern European countries as well as other parts of Britain.
The National Bandy Association was founded in 1891. England was victorious at the so far only European Championships, held in 1913. Bandy wasn't resumed in England after World War I.
However, recently a new national federation has been founded, Bandy Federation of England, and in 2010 England entered the Federation of International Bandy and there are now plans for activity on the ice, to begin with in the form of rink bandy.

Tilbake til hovedsiden

På grunn av arrestasjoner og forfølgelser ble det ikke noe særlig med kamper i 1943 og 1944. Vi spilte dog mot Frigg med tap 1–3, men Stabæk slo vi 3–1. Det var ikke mange av de gamle spillerne på laget i disse årene.

Charles Goodman Tebbutt.

The Tebbutt Brothers and theri Bury Fen team. Charles Goodman Tebbutt (1860–1944) was an English speedskater and bandy player from Bluntisham, England, in the Fens of Cambridgeshire where Fen skating was a popular winter activity in the nineteenth century. He also wrote articles and books about speed skating and bandy, including several chapters in the Badminton Library book Skating (1892) with John Moyer Heathcote.